Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's coming...

This is the last holiday and the last day of the holiday for me and also for a lot of my friends. starting from tomorrow until the end of the big exam, we shall not loose ourselves. we shall not sleep more than 6 hours everyday, according to my teacher,' To find more time, it is to sleep less time'. we shall not eat much every meal especially dinner, because we would fell sleepy when we are overload, we shall keep away from the computer, playstation, gameboy, wee, and gee. we shall exercise more to keep our body clean but remember, we shall not overdo it, we shall not get hurt during this golden period. we shall eat an apple a day, just to keep the doctor away. And note this down, only apple not banana. we shall listen to our teachers because we dont have much time to make them happy anymore. And last but not least, we shall pray to God for wisdom, for health and for blessing from our mighty Lord. God bless y'all, good luck and come on, lets do it.